Need-to-know information about the Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention Grant Program

Working on a program to address domestic terrorism or violence prevention? This grant program could help

Local efforts are key to preventing and interrupting targeted violence and domestic terrorism . The U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention (TVTP) Grant Program recognizes the critical role local agencies and organizations play in preventing domestic violent extremism and enhancing threat assessment and management capabilities.

The grant provides funding for state, local, tribal and territorial governments, nonprofits and institutions of higher education to establish or enhance capabilities to prevent targeted violence and terrorism.

Last year, the program was funded at $20 million, which is the anticipated amount of funding for 2022 as well. We expected the Notice of Funding Opportunity for TVTP FY22 to be released in late March, but as of the publication of this article, it has yet to be released. However, it’s never too early to start thinking about projects or plans your agency has that align with the goals of the Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention Grant Program.

Public safety agencies play a key role in terrorism prevention. This DHS grant program provides funding to help.
Public safety agencies play a key role in terrorism prevention. This DHS grant program provides funding to help. (Photo/Getty Images)

TVTP Grant Program Summary

The TVTP Grant Program funds the development of capabilities based on current promising practices. It reserves approximately 30% of available funding for new or innovative approaches to prevention.

The stated priorities of the award include:

Key aspects of this award include:

  • Two-year performance period
  • Estimated deadline: May-June 2022
  • 2022 anticipated funding: $20 million
  • Apply through Non-Disaster Grants System through FEMA
  • Regional approach is best

Application Tracks

In the FY21 Notice of Funding Opportunity , DHS outlined three application tracks, each of which supports local prevention frameworks in different ways.

#1: Promising Practices — Single Project

This track will fund specific prevention programs previously implemented either locally or in other parts of the U.S. as part of a local prevention framework. Applicants in this track are required to 1) identify the practice they are modeling their proposal on; 2) identify and provide any previous assessments or evaluations of the practice; and 3) identify any changes in the project’s theory of change from the practice they are implementing. Anticipated award amounts in this track are $75,000 to $300,000.

Project types submitted must align with the “promising practices” identified by the Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention Grant Program. Last year, these practices included:

  • Raising societal awareness about the process of radicalization of violence
  • Building local community awareness (including in youth populations) of the risk factors for—and protective factors against — racialization to violence
  • Developing a threat assessment and awareness team
  • Delivering bystander training to help community members recognize signs of radicalization and engage to intervene or notify law enforcement
  • Establishing or expanding a referral service (hotline) to address crises with callers
  • Developing recidivism reduction and reintegration programs to reduce risk factors and promote protective factors in individuals re-entering society

#2: Promising Practices — Multiple Projects

This track will fund multiple prevention programs to 1) enhance or expand an existing local prevention framework that reaches all segments of their locality, or 2) establish a new local or regional prevention framework. This is the only track that allows for multiple project types in a single application. Applications must align with the project types and required elements outlined under the “Promising Practices — Single Project” track. Applicants in this track have already met one or more of the objectives of a local prevention framework. Anticipated award amounts in this track are $100,000 to $750,000.

#3: Innovation

This track is for projects that approach the broader goal of targeted violence and terrorism prevention in new or untested ways. This can include 1) a different theory of change for a “Promising Practices” project, or 2) a new theory of change that has not been previously implemented. DHS anticipates making approximately $5 million in awards in the Innovation Track.

What to Consider When Applying to the TVTP Grant Program

If you are targeting an application for Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention Grant Program, there are some key items to consider. First, start gathering the needed documents now. These include the Program Design and Implementation and Measurement Plan (IMP), which should include a logic model or theory of change showing how your program will achieve intended results. Other documentation needed includes resumes of key personnel who will be involved in the program, letters of recommendation from subject matter experts, and documentation of commitment or support, such as a Memorandum of Understanding, if working with other agencies or organizations.

As with any grant program, ensure you have a full understanding of the elements you’re committing to should you be awarded funding. This program requires a post-award commitment that includes weekly to biweekly check-ins with the Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention project manager and a willingness to alter your project based on subject matter expert recommendations.

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