In part one of this series we discussed two key phrases to the 2010 JAG program: Formula Grant and Needed Most. After reading part one you should have determined where your department falls for funding eligibility and have thought about what is “needed most.” Now let’s talk about the key priority areas for JAG funding this year and how you can apply what your department needs the most to these areas based on the funding you have access to under the JAG grant.
Key priority areas for 2010 JAG:
• The Department of Justice has prioritized effective counterterrorism and terrorism prevention programs as state and local law enforcement are critical partners in detecting preventing and disrupting acts of violence against the United States by both domestic and international extremists’ organizations
• The Department of Justice is interested in ensuring that justice is truly done in the criminal justice system and the Attorney General is acutely aware that without adequate funding for the courts, prosecution, problem-solving courts and other innovative cost-saving alternatives to incarceration, true justice cannot be achieved
2010 JAG Byrne Formula Purpose Areas
JAG funds may be used to state and local initiatives, technical assistance, training, personnel, equipment, supplies, contractual support, and criminal justice information systems for criminal justice that will improve or enhance the following areas:
• Law enforcement programs
• Prosecution and court programs
• Prevention and education programs
• Corrections and community correction programs
• Drug treatment and enforcement programs
• Planning, evaluation and technology improvement programs
• Crime Victim and witness programs (other than for compensation)
The Department of Justice has designated twenty-nine purpose areas for programs under this grant. Please go to for specific details about each area.
1. Demand reduction education in which law enforcement officers participate
• Officer Training for DARE Drug Abuse Resistance Education
2. Multi-jurisdictional task force programs that integrate federal, state and local drug enforcement agencies and prosecutors for the purpose of enhancing interagency coordination and intelligence and facilitating multi-jurisdictional investigations.
• Multi-jurisdictional/Regional Drug Task Forces
• Regional Violent Drug Trafficker Program
• Organized Crime/Narcotics Program
• Special Narcotics Prosecutor (in direct support of MJTF)
• Statewide Confidential Funds Pool
• Narcotics Surveillance Equipment and Training Program (if in support of multi-site enforcement programs)
3. Programs designed to target the domestic sources of controlled and illegal substances, such as precursor chemicals, diverted pharmaceuticals, clandestine laboratories and cannabis cultivations
• Pharmaceutical Diversion
• Clandestine Laboratories
• Marijuana Eradication
• Drug Identification (laboratory-based research studies)
4. Providing community and neighborhood programs that assist citizens in preventing and controlling crime, including special programs that address the problems of crimes committed against the elderly and special programs for rural jurisdictions
• Community Crime Prevention
• Crime Prevention through Environmental Design
• Neighborhood Watch
• National Night Out Against Crime
• Community Policing/Prosecution (see also purpose area #16)
• Drug-Impacted Rural Jurisdictions
• Reaching High Risk Youth through Outdoor Activities
• Senior Citizen Crime Prevention/Golden Alert Program
• Volunteers in Police Service Program
5. Disrupting illicit commerce in stolen goods and property
• County Attorney's Office Property Crime Program
• Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention
6. Improving the investigation and prosecution of white-collar crime, [e.g., organized crime, public corruption crimes and fraud against the government with priority attention to cases involving drug-related official corruption]
• Reducing Drug Corruption in Police Departments
• Targeting White Collar Crime
7A. Improving the operational effectiveness of law enforcement through the use of crime analysis techniques, street sales enforcement, schoolyard violator programs, gang-related and low-income housing drug control programs
• Drug Task Force (single jurisdiction effort)
• Drug-free School Zone Enforcement
• Integrated Criminal Apprehension Program (ICAP)
• Arson Prevention and Control
• Preserving the Crime Scene
• Drug Dog/Canine Acquisition and Training/K-9 Unit
• Violent Fugitives Arrest Squad
7B. Developing and implementing anti-terrorism plans for deep draft ports, international airports and other important facilities
• "Night Eyes" State Water Patrol
• Airport Anti-Terrorism Task Force
8. Career criminal prosecution programs, including the development of model drug control legislation
• Career Criminal/Major Offender/Career Drug Offender Prosecution
• Narcotics Prosecution Unit (but use purpose area #2 if directly in support of MJTF)
• Model Drug Control Legislation (directed at offenders)
• Use of Civil RICO in Drug Enforcement
9. Financial investigative programs that target the identification of money laundering operations and assets obtained through illegal drug trafficking, including the development of proposed model legislation, financial investigative training and financial information sharing systems
• Financial Investigations
• Assets Forfeiture Units
• Model Drug Control Legislation (directed at assets)
10. Improving the operational effectiveness of the court process by expanding prosecutorial, defender and judicial resources and implementing court delay reduction programs
• Differentiated/Expedited Case Management
• Fast Track Prosecution/Fast Track Defense
• Drug Courts (specialized narcotics courtrooms; contrast,
• Court Unification
• Pretrial Services Delivery (but use if primary focus is drug testing or if focus is reducing jail crowding)
• Video Arraignment/Presentence Telecommunications Project
11. Programs designed to provide additional public correctional resources and improve the corrections system, including treatment in prisons and jails, intensive supervision programs and long-range corrections and sentencing strategies
• Intensive Supervision Probation and Parole
• Boot Camps
• Changing Attitudes through Physical Adventure
• Treatment in a Jail Setting
• Substance Abuse Treatment for Female Inmates
• Correctional Facilities Planning/Population Projections
• Sentencing Strategies Development
12. Providing prison industry projects designed to place inmates in a realistic working and training environment which will enable them to acquire marketable skills and to make financial payments for restitution to their victims, for support of their own families and for support of themselves in the institution
• Prison/Jail Industries
13. Providing programs which identify and meet the treatment needs of adult and juvenile drug-dependent and alcohol-dependent offenders
• Treatment for Drug Addicted Offenders
• Day Treatment Center for Juvenile Offenders
• Treatment Aftercare Unit
• DUI/DWI Rehabilitation and Training
14. Developing and implementing programs which provide assistance to jurors and witnesses and assistance (other than compensation) to victims of crime
• One Day-One Trial/Jury Management Improvement
• Systems for Setting Juror Fees/Compensation
• Victim/Witness Program
• Offenders' Restitution for Victims
• Victim Assistance
15A. Developing programs to improve drug control technology, such as pretrial drug testing programs, programs which provide for the identification, assessment, referral to treatment, case management and monitoring of drug-dependent offenders, and enhancement of State and local forensic laboratories
• Pretrial/Probation/Parole Drug Testing
• Statewide Urinalysis Testing
• Treatment Alternatives to Street Crimes (TASC)
• Forensic Laboratory Enhancement (but use DNA related)
15B. Criminal justice information systems to assist law enforcement, prosecution, courts and corrections organizations (including automated fingerprint identification systems)
• Criminal Justice Records Improvement (CJRI)
• Criminal Justice Information Systems (CJIS)
• Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS)
• Prosecution Management Support Systems
• Management Information Systems (for administrative support)
• Metropolitan Criminal Intelligence System (but use propose area #2 if restricted solely to MJTF drug-related information)
16. Innovative programs which demonstrate new and different approaches to enforcement, prosecution and adjudication of drug offenses and other serious crimes
• Firearms Trafficking/Control/Licensing Enforcement
• Community Justice Centers
• Penalty Litigation
17. Addressing the problems of drug trafficking and the illegal manufacture of controlled substances in public housing
• Enforcement in Public Housing Developments
• Eliminating Crack Houses (in public housing)
18. Improving the criminal and juvenile justice system's response to domestic and family violence, including spouse abuse, child abuse and abuse of the elderly
• Domestic/Family Violence Intervention
• Law Enforcement's Response to Domestic Violence
• Child Abuse Prosecution
• Responding to Sexual Abuse of Children
• Crimes Against the Elderly
19. Drug control evaluation programs which State and local units of government may utilize to evaluate programs and projects directed at State drug control activities
• Evaluation of Drug Control Programs
• Research and Evaluation
20. Providing alternatives to prevent detention, jail and prison for persons who pose no danger to the community
• Alternatives to Incarceration
• House Arrest/Electronic Monitoring
• Drug Courts (directed to diverting offenders into treatment; contrast,)
• Restitution by Juveniles
• Community Service Labor Program
• User Accountability Sanctioning (not involving incarceration)
21. Programs of which the primary goal is to strengthen urban enforcement and prosecution efforts targeted at street drug sales
• Street Sales/Street-level Narcotics Enforcement
• Drug Enforcement Enhancement
• Crack Houses/Nuisance Abatement Unit
• Reverse Sting Demand Reduction Enforcement
• Drug Recognition Training for Patrol Officers
• Motor Vehicle Officers' Watch for Drugs
22. Prosecution of driving while intoxicated charges and the enforcement of other laws relating to alcohol use and the operation of motor vehicles
• Enhanced Prosecution of DWI Cases
• Diversion of DWI Offenders into Treatment
23. Addressing the need for effective bind-over systems for the prosecution of violent 16- and 17-year-old juveniles in courts with jurisdiction over adults for [certain enumerated violent crimes]
• Violent Juvenile Waiver to Adult Court Program
• Prosecutor’s Juvenile Bindover Unit
24. Law enforcement and prevention programs that relate to gangs or to youth who are involved in or are at risk of involvement in gangs
• Gang Task Forces
• Specialized Gang Prosecutors
• Juvenile Gangs Involvement in Drug Trafficking
• Gang Resistance Education and Training (GREAT)
25. Developing or improving forensic laboratory capabilities to analyze DNA for identification purposes
• DNA Database Identification System
• DNA Laboratory Enhancement and Training Program
26. To develop and implement antiterrorism training programs and to procure equipment for use by local law enforcement authorities
• Law Enforcement Officer Training in Anti-terrorism
27. Improving the quality, timeliness, and credibility of forensic science services for criminal justice purposes
28. Enforcing child abuse and neglect laws, including laws protecting against child sexual abuse, and promoting programs designed to prevent child abuse and neglect
29. Establishing or supporting cooperative programs between law enforcement and media organizations, to collect, record, retain, and disseminate information useful in the identification and apprehension of suspected criminal offenders
All grant requests must contain only allowable expenses as defined by the Bureau of Justice Financial Guide .
Please make sure you research each priority area carefully and completely. Gather your data and analyze it for high crime areas. Compare your data with sister communities, your county, state and the federal statistics to determine how you compare with them. Each program listed here is has another grant program attached to it and would mean additional funding you can use along with the JAG funding for your community.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions via email at .
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